All food operators have a legal duty to ensure that the food that they produce is safe to eat, of an acceptable quality and is properly labelled.
They also have a legal duty to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the public and any staff or contractors are protected from any hazards that arise from their operations.
We work with local traders to ensure that these standards are met and if necessary, to enforce these legal requirements to protect the public.
By law, all food handlers must receive adequate supervision, instruction and/or training in food hygiene for the work that they do.
There is no legal requirement to attend a formal training or get a qualification, although many businesses may want their staff to do so.
Training courses
For information about courses, please email
The courses are likely to cover:
- Food Poisoning - where it comes from and how it gets into our food
- Prevention - how to prevent contamination and the growth of bacteria
- The law - a brief summary of food law and how it affects you
Further information
A list of training centres can be found on the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health website.
View food safety and hygiene information at