Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are currently taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle to allow for essential repairs. They started on 13 January and will last for about 18 weeks. During this time, only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. CCTV cameras are in use at all times to enforce this. Find more information.

Licences and permits

Find out which licence you need, apply for or renew a licence, see all current licence applications and find out how to have your say in support of, or against a licence.
Licensing icon

Find out more and apply for a licence

Find out who can apply, the application process, what you need to apply and the licence conditions for each licence or permit

Alcohol, club and entertainment licences

Permissions to sell or supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment and late night refreshment

Animal licences

You may need a licence if you are selling or hiring out pets, providing or arranging boarding, breeding dogs or keeping or training animals for exhibition

Child employment licences

A child may need a licence if they’re under school leaving age and working or taking part in performances

Gambling and lottery licences

You may need a licence if you're making or accepting bets, organising bingo, casinos, prize gaming, lotteries, raffles or want to have gaming or betting machines

Housing and property licences

If you own or manage a property in Brent you may need a licence or you risk a fine or criminal record

Marriage and civil partnership venues licences

How to get a licence (grant of approval) to hold a civil marriage or civil partnership in your venue, and what requirements or conditions you'll need

Roads, building and construction licences

Find more information and apply for skips, scaffolding, hording, cranes and other licences you many need if you are planning on any road or building works

Street trading licences

From street cafes to market stalls, find information on how to apply for a licence for food and non-food street traders

Other licences

Information and application details for other licences including filming, fireworks, leaflet distribution and scrap metal

Things we don't licence

Some licences are administered by other organisations and not by Brent Council

Also in licensing and permits

Licence fees

An A-Z of fees for permits, registrations and licences

View the licence register and have your say

Search and view current and expired licences and comment, support or reject an application online

Responsible authorities

Find a list of the responsible authorities for licencing in the London borough of Brent

Request a review of a licence

If you are concerned about the running of a premises you can request that its licence is reviewed

Appeals and complaints

As the applicant or someone who made a representation, and are not happy with the decision, you can complain or appeal.

Licensing Policy 2025 - 2030

This policy sets out how we will deal with applications in general and with specific licensing matters in special circumstances.