The Neasden Station Growth Area masterplan is underpinned by the vision and values that set out the type of place the NSGA can become in the future and the qualities it can have. These values are informed by a series of placemaking principles to help shape and serve as a framework for future design proposals. We want Neasden to be:
- A resilient place
- A characterful place
- A connected place
- A green place
- A diverse place
- A robust place
Image: Illustrative sketch of the preferred Masterplan option
Image: Illustrative sketch of the preferred Masterplan option
The NSGA master plan aims to provide at least 2000 new homes and employment and support infrastructure to bring the physical and social-economic regeneration of the area. Through the ‘master planning approach,’ a draft masterplan SPD has been prepared that sets out the policy context and the urban design framework that comprise; development, sustainability and environment principles that guide the comprehensive regeneration of the growth area.
View the Neasden Stations Growth Area masterplan SPD
View the Financial Viability Assessment report
Please email if you would like an accessible version of the Financial Viability Assessment report.