What is happening in Northwick Park?
Brent Council, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust (Northwick Park Hospital), the University of Westminster and Network Homes (a local housing association based in Wembley) are committed to working in partnership to promote the redevelopment of the land at Northwick Park to deliver new homes and jobs.
The four organisations have joined forces through the OPE (One Public Estate) programme - an established national programme which looks to encourage public sector organisations to use their property and land assets together. The OPE programme awarded over £0.5m to the four organisations to support the plans for Northwick Park. Brent Council have also been awarded £9.9m from the Housing Infrastructure Fund for infrastructure works.
There is a collective vision amongst all four organisations that will transform Northwick Park to become an important local landmark, delivering new high-quality homes, increased investment in our local hospital, improved infrastructure and transport connections, as well as enhanced facilities for education and employment.
Proposals include:
- Complete redevelopment of the land between the hospital and the park
- Approximately 1,600 new homes including affordable homes
- Outline plans for new University accommodation and teaching facilities
- Improved roads and junctions for better access to the hospital and new housing
- Better pedestrian and cycle connections across the site
- New public open spaces and green spaces
- New commercial and community uses to help the new area of Brent thrive
- Care and cycle parking spaces for new residents
Progress on key work streams
Northwick Park is subdivided into 3 planning applications:
- an outline masterplan (which includes up to 1600 residential units)
- detailed phase one application
- detailed application for new road infrastructure.
So far:
- Road improvements next to Watford Road and between the Hospital and the University of Westminster land. Volkerfitzpatrick commenced on site on 18 May 2022 and completed the works on 5 March 2024.
- Phase 1 application for housing (654 homes) and commercial space on the staff car parks north of Northwick Park Village and the temporary hospital buildings by the boiler house. Planning permission was granted in March 2023.
- The outline S106 is more complicated as there are more parties and a wider range of matters to agree. It is currently in draft form and is being discussed between all parties prior to submission to GLA for Stage 2 approval. We hope to have this signed and planning issued by August 2024.
- Masterplan outline application – up to 1300 homes, university space, road, landscaping and public realm improvements has resolution to grant.
- NHS have planning permission for the car park, energy centre shell as well as fit out of the energy centre (Jan 2021). These will unlock the existing car parks / boiler house for the phase 1 development.
Contracts / Procurements
- Sovereign Network Group have successfully completed the JV with Countryside (Phase One Development Only) in March 2023 and start on site commenced on 31st March 2023. The first homes will be completed in 2026 with handovers continuing through into 2027 (and beyond for the masterplan).
- Volkerfitzpatrick were appointed through the TFL STIC Framework. Practical Completion was achieved on 5 March 2024.
- The energy centre is now operational and Practical Completion of the whole project was achieved on 31st March 2023.
- As detailed planning permission was granted in March 2023, the NHS can commence partnership arrangements with Sovereign Network Group and Countryside.