Plans are well underway to deliver the regeneration and growth of Wembley. Brent Council’s aim is to create a better place to live and work in, enable residents to live harmoniously with the attractions located in Wembley and visitors to access them easily.
New highway improvements, outlined in the Wembley Area Action Plan adopted in January 2015, were identified to fix the challenges of congestion and accessibility enabling good growth and improving the local environment.
The council completed works connecting North End Road to Bridge Road in July 2021. The new connection will improve the traffic flow in the area, by giving residents an alternative route across Wembley Park to access the North Circular Road. This route will not be affected by event day closures, and means they will be a vehicular route available at all times. This will be particularly useful for residents of North End Road and bus users, who in the past have both been impacted by the road closures on event days.