Wembley Housing Zone was designated by the Mayor of London in March 2015. The Council’s efforts in the Wembley Housing Zone are focussed along Wembley High Road. The vision for this area is to restructure and revitalise the eastern end of the High Road of Wembley town centre, including
- new homes and jobs
- new retail, community and workspace
- public realm improvements
- increased accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists and road users
Regeneration of this gateway location within the Wembley Opportunity Area will play a substantial role in linking the established Wembley Central area with the new Wembley Park area emerging around the Stadium.
Brent Council entered into a development agreement with Wates in March 2023 to redevelop two key sites on the High Road. The new developments will include new homes, workspace, new public realm and community facilities!
Land on Wembley High Road, East of Cecil Avenue
Land on Wembley High Road, East of Cecil Avenue will deliver a high quality mixed use courtyard development. The Council have consulted with the local community and Planning Committee unanimously approved detailed proposals. Formal planning consent was issued in February 2021 and Brent Cabinet resolved in August 2021 to move the scheme forward into delivery.
Wates were selected as the Council’s developer partner in 2023. Wates and the Council have since worked together to update scheme designs and planning to meet latest building and fire regulations. In April 2024 main works began to deliver 237 new homes, commercial and community spaces, plus a new publicly accessible garden, and the scheme is due to complete by the end of 2026.
Ujima House
The Council acquired Ujima House with grant funding from the Mayor of London in July 2017. Ujima House is designated to deliver mixed use development and Planning Committee have unanimously approved outline proposals. Formal planning consent was issued in February 2021 and Brent Cabinet resolved in August 2021 to move the scheme forward into delivery.
Wates were selected as the Council’s developer partner in 2023. Wates and the Council have worked together to update scheme designs to meet latest building and fire regulations, and secure detailed planning for 54 new homes, workspace and café uses. In May 2024 demolition began of the former Ujima House office building, and the new scheme is due to move into main works later this year.