The Inclusive Growth Strategy (IGS) is a long term strategy that identifies choices available to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of growth over the next 20 years. Full Council and Cabinet have agreed the IGS for publication.
Inclusive growth aims to ensure that everyone has the ability to participate and share in the benefits of growth in the borough.
The IGS detailed research base supports the forward-looking full strategy and action plan to make the most of change.
Headline changes anticipated to affect growth moving forward include:
- Brent’s population is projected to grow by at least 17% and reach 400,000 people by 2040
- Brent’s population over 80 is projected to double by 2040
- continued decline in the traditional retail offer on the high street
- employment growth in creative and circular economies
- growing water demand and widening gap in available water supply
- increase in older workers driving demand for more retraining opportunities
- increasing housing unaffordability, as house prices increase faster than wages
- number of private renters in London is expected to increase to 40% by 2025
- sewer capacity to reach critical levels by 2050 in north and west parts of Brent
- significant reduction in fossil fuel use with significant increases in renewable energy.
Inclusive Growth Strategy 2020 Review
Over 2020 Brent faced enormous challenges from the coronavirus pandemic, but amidst the crisis real progress was made to encourage greater participation and a fairer sharing of the prosperity that growth brings. The Inclusive Growth Strategy 2020 Review examines the significant achievements made over the year for the local economy, education and skills, housing, infrastructure, environment, health and culture – and sets out the top priorities for 2021 and beyond.
Key documents
- Download the IGS Full Strategy (.pdf, 7.7MB)
- Download the IGS Synopsis (.pdf, 20.23MB)
- Download the IGS Research Base (.pdf, 20.74MB)
- Download the IGS 2020 Review (.pdf, 14.47MB)
- Download the Accessible version of the IGS 2020 Review (.pdf, 3.13MB)