Harlesden is a vibrant and multi-cultural hub within Brent and a priority area for the council. Key to its future will be balancing the opportunities from nearby major developments whilst retaining the character, and sense of place, of the town centre.
Transforming the Picture Palace
In early 2020, Brent Council invested £1.7 million to acquire the former Picture Palace cinema building on Manor Park Road, Harlesden, and has set aside funding for renovation and refurbishment of the building.
The purpose of the investment is to help deliver extensive cultural and community uses in the heart of Harlesden town centre.
A short programme of remedial works began on site in November 2020 and is scheduled to complete by the end of March 2021. These works are part of a larger programme of the refurbishment of the building, creating a modern community venue. The council intends to lease the space to deliver a mix of education, cultural, community and youth amenities from the building.