This scheme aims to provide helpful information to make retailers of age restricted products, fully aware of their responsibilities in avoiding illegal sales and also support them in upholding the law.
Retailers, who prove themselves diligent in demanding proof of age from their young shoppers, train their staff in the relevant legislation and meet basic criteria, will be entitled to membership and to display the Responsible Trader Scheme logo.
Members as subject to periodic audits and spot checks to make sure the terms and conditions of membership are being complied with and standards are maintained.
How you benefit from the scheme
1. The scheme provides guidance to assist the retailer with the training of their staff. This helps to ensure against accidental underage sales and can also act as a legal step towards proving a due diligence defence.
This means that if a business does ever become subject to a formal investigation following the alleged sale of an age restricted product, it can show the authorities what actions and procedures it has in place to prevent such sales from happening which may prevent a business from having formal action taken against it.
2. The scheme improves upon existing standards of trade, promote best practice, and for businesses to demonstrate a commitment to protecting young persons from age restricted goods and reducing access to such products.
3. Young people are less likely to try and buy age restricted goods from a business where they can see their age will be challenged and the businesses is committed to complying with the law.
4. Customers can see that you are committed to trading responsibly and in accordance with our standards
5. Membership to this scheme and access to the training pack of information is currently free.
Join the scheme
If you are interested in joining the scheme, complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you to discuss the next steps.