We have created this page to help answer any questions or queries about the Local Area SEND Inspection process, carried out jointly by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The Local Area SEND inspection is an inspection of services jointly provided by education, health and social care services. The inspection is undertaken by inspectors from Ofsted who also inspect schools and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The aim is to hold the Local Area of Brent to account, by reviewing how the Local Area meets their responsibilities for children and young people aged 0-25 who have additional needs and disabilities.
Feedback for the inspectors from parents and carers
As part of the inspection process parents and carers are asked for their feedback. You are invited to share your experiences of the help and support available to children with SEND in Brent through a survey.
The survey will ask you about any support your child gets for their education, health and care needs, their social life, and to prepare them for the next stage of their life. This feedback will give the inspectors a good understanding of the current SEND provision across Brent.
The survey can be completed online and if you have more than one child with SEND you can use the same link to complete a separate survey for each child.
Complete the online Ofsted survey for parents and carers
The survey will close on 9am on Tuesday 21 January 2025.
- Read information about the parent and carer survey
- View the parent and carer survey easy read document
Please view a video that explains what will happen during the inspection and details of the survey. To view the video in BSL, please view Area SEND inspections: information about ongoing inspections - GOV.UK and it is the second video.
The survey is voluntary, and you do not have to take part. Responses will complement evidence collected by inspectors for the inspection. You will not be asked for your name.
If you wish to complete a paper copy, this needs to be submitted by 3pm on 20 January 2025 and sent to data.areasend@ofsted.gov.uk with Brent Local Area Partnership as the subject line. You can also leave a copy for Michelle Gwyther to submit on your behalf in the Reception at the Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ.
Feedback for the inspectors from children and young people
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are visiting Brent to carry out an inspection. They are looking at arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Ofsted/CQC would like to hear your views about the support that you get and how it is helping you. You can do this by completing an online survey.
Complete the online Ofsted survey for children and young people
Your views are important to us and the inspectors. They will help the inspectors understand your experience of SEND arrangements in your area. The survey will close at 9am on Tuesday 21 January 2025.
You do not have to take part if you do not want to. You will not be asked for your name.
Please view a video that explains what will happen during the inspection and details of the survey and information about the children and young people survey.