Brent’s health visitors work with mums, their families, and community groups to promote the health and wellbeing of children aged between 0 and five.
The health visiting teams work in a range of locations including people's homes, health centres, children centres and schools. They provide advice and support in a number of areas including:
- new birth visits, including advice on feeding, weaning and dental health
- antenatal support including breastfeeding, feeding, dental health and exercise
- physical and developmental checks as part of the healthy child programme
- general parenting support
- advice on family health and minor illnesses
- Specific support on subjects such as postnatal depression
- support children and families during the transition to school
- delivering the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home visiting (MECSH) programme to address complex and acute needs
The health visiting service is available to all families in Brent with a child under five years old, although you must be living in the borough or registered with a local GP to be able to use it. A targeted service is also offered for children and families who require extra support, such as speech and language therapy. In these cases health visitors may continue to support the child and their family after they reach school age.
Your GP will be able to put you in touch with a health visitor, or you can contact them using the details below. Midwives and hospital maternity teams can also make referrals.
To find details of your nearest baby clinic and get information and advice about health matters for babies, toddlers and children up to the age of four, visit