The Centre for ADHD and Autism Support (CAAS) is a Harrow-based charity that supports, educates and empowers individuals with ADHD and/or autism, their families and the community. It is led and run by trained people who have first-hand experience with one or both conditions and understand the issues involved.
Services for ADHD & Autistic Adults (aged 18+)
- One-to-one support for helping with practical tasks
- Support groups, courses and workshops
- Drop in on 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 11am - 1pm
Contact us or visit
Services for Parents & Carers (of adults aged 18+)
- Courses and workshops
- Drop in on 1st Monday of the month from 7pm - 9pm
Contact us or visit
Services for Parents & Carers (of children & young people aged 0-25)
- One-to-one support for helping with difficult times
- Courses and workshops
- Drop in on Wednesdays and Fridays during term-time, 10.30am – 12.30pm
- Drop in on 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm - 9pm
- Online drop-in on Mondays 10.30am – 12pm, or some Wednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm
Contact us or visit
Services for Young People (aged 11-25)
- One-to-one support for helping with difficult times
- Various social and creative groups
- Courses and workshops
Contact us or visit