City Lit is an adult education college in central London which runs a variety of specially designed courses for people with disabilities and specific learning difficulties, including:
- design
- creative writing
- science
- art
- singing
- campaigning
- dance
The college provides a range of support for disabled students and students with specific learning difficulties.
- Physical disabilities affecting mobility or access
- Visual impairment
- Deafness and acquired hearing loss –
- Learning difficulties, autism/Asperger’s syndrome or brain injury
- Mental health difficulties including depression, anxiety and schizophrenia
- Hidden disabilities, including epilepsy and diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, ADHD, cancer, asthma and conditions controlled by medication
Specific support could include:
- modified learning materials
- support in the classroom
- 1:1 support outside the classroom with assignments/coursework
- pastoral support
- special arrangements for exams
- access to specialist equipment and software including screen readers, orthopaedic chairs, reading boards, radio aids, handheld recorders, adaptive IT hardware, large screen laptops and Livescribe pens
- adaptation of the classroom environment