Before you challenge a decision we have made on your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support, please read your benefits decision letter to make sure all the details are correct.
The benefits decision letter will tell you:
- what decision we made
- how we worked it out
- what information we have used to make a decision.
You can also see information about your benefits entitlement in My Account.
If you don't understand, or do not agree with a decision we have made about your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, you have the right to ask us to look again at our initial decision.
This is known as a reconsideration.
To do this you should complete an online dispute form detailing:
- what part of the decision you disagree with
- what you think is incorrect
- documentary evidence for us to reassess our original decision.
You must request a reconsideration within one month of the date of the decision you disagree with.
Failure to do this will result in no changes being made to your claim.
Who can request a reconsideration
Only the person affected can request a reconsideration. This is usually:
- the claimant
- an appointee or individual with power of attorney to act on the claimants behalf
- a landlord or agent - but only regarding who the benefit is paid to
- anyone whom we decide to recover a benefit overpayment from.