Brent Local Plan identifies Staples Corner as a Growth Area and requires a masterplan and design code to facilitate its regeneration.
How has the draft SPD developed?
The Council is committed to effectively engaging with its communities. In developing the Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code SPD (draft SPD), the Council aims to ensure transparent communication with local residents, community groups and businesses.
The masterplan and design code were informed by a number of engagement activities. These took place with the Staples Corner community from August 2022 and are ongoing.
Discussions also took place with representatives from the Greater London Authority (GLA), Transport for London (TfL), National Highways (NH), London Borough of Barnet and other statutory bodies, alongside direct engagement with landowners, developers and local councillors.
Who should use the draft SPD?
Applicants seeking planning permission to bring forward new development in the area or to make improvements to their business premises.
Councillors, supporting their communities to make decisions about new developments. Professionals working on development proposals in the area and Officers guiding regeneration and new development in the borough.