Safer Brent Partnership
Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) are multi-agency, strategic groups that oversee the approach to reducing crime and antisocial behaviour in a particular area. The Safer Brent Partnership is made up of representatives from many agencies, including:
- London Borough of Brent
- Metropolitan Police
- London Fire Brigade
- National Probation Service
- Community Rehabilitation Company
- Clinical Commissioning Group
- Voluntary Services
- Victim Support
The partnership also works with other groups such as the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board, the Safeguarding Adults Board, and the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The partnership has three main objectives:
- to protect the most vulnerable individuals – making those most at risk of harm, less vulnerable
- to support the most prolific offenders – identifying needs and supporting change to reduce reoffending
- to strengthen the highest-risk locations – making risky locations safer for residents, tackling environmental crime and using fixed, mobile and deployable CCTV to support operations and delivery of justice outcomes.
The partnership aims to build an involved community, with less fear of crime and greater confidence in services, which takes responsibility for its own actions. They also pledge to bring to justice those who cause the most harm to our community, using restorative approaches and out-of-court disposals where appropriate. Their work is intelligence-led and evidence-based, identifying real issues and taking a problem-solving approach to reducing them.
The current priorities for the partnership are:
- Violence against women and girls
- Gang-related offending
- Anti-social behaviour
- Reducing reoffending
- Preventing radicalisation
- Child sexual exploitation
The priorities are set out in more detail in the Safer Brent Partnership Report 2019-2020, which was written based on findings from a Strategic Assessment (.pdf, 5.51MB).