If your items are good quality why not turn them into cash, swap with somebody else or just give away for free? There are lots of ways to do this.
Sell your unwanted items
- Sell your unwanted items online at places like Vinted, eBay, Facebook, Gumtree and Preloved.
- Take your items to local car boots or bring and buy sales.
- Nearly new sales are a great place to sell your clothes, textiles and shoes.
- Visit the high street - shops like Cash Convertors or CeX often buy your unwanted electricals.
- Some shops will buy second hand clothes such as evening wear and vintage items.
- Put an ad in the local newspaper or shop window.
Donate to charity
Items that are regularly donated to charities include:
- clothing
- shoes
- books
- DVD's and CD's
More unusual items that you can donate include knitting wool, crockery and cutlery, unwanted gifts such as perfumes and toiletries.
- Check out the high street! You can find a local re-use organisation through the Charity Retail Association who have handy tools on their websites that provide details of your nearest place to donate your items. Simply enter your postcode to find the name and location of your local stores.
- Fill up the bags that come through the door.
- Or take items to recycling banks often found in supermarket and local car parks.Local charities as well as national charities like the British Heart Foundation Many offer collection services.
Give and get stuff for free locally with freecycle.org