Who owns the land at Northwick Park?
This map shows who owns the different parts of land at Northwick Park.
Will there be any building on the park?
The park is classed as Metropolitan Open Land which means it is protected from development. An option being considered is relocating the sports pavilion, associated car parking and bungalows to a different part of the park. If this happens, then the current pavilion site will be demolished and converted to open space.
What do you mean when you say you want Northwick Park to be a ‘landmark’?
We want to transform the Northwick Park area into a high-quality environment that’s easier to access, respects the park and brings wider benefits for local people such as better services, new quality homes, new jobs and improvements to the local transport network.
These images below show how the land between the hospital and Northwick Park Underground station is currently being used.
What are the benefits of the One Public Estate Programme?
As well as better services, new homes, new jobs and improvements to the local transport network, the programme also encourages and helps neighbouring public bodies to work together to make improvements in a mutually beneficial and cost effective manner.
How will the new development be accessed?
This has yet to be finalised, but the partners see a solution whereby existing access points are upgraded to both improve the current flow of people and traffic on existing infrastructure as well as liberating capacity that will accommodate the future flow associated with the proposed development. This is all subject to further work by consultants.
Will there be a land swap as part of the One Public Estate Programme?
As part of the project, it is possible under a One Public Estate programme for some land to be transferred or sold from one of the four organisations to another and Network Homes has recently acquired land from the NHS Trust.
What happens at the end of the One Public Estate Programme? Who will own and manage the different pieces of land?
At the end of the programme, the four organisations will still own the land, but the boundaries that currently exist may have changed, depending on what happens through the programme with land swaps and sales.
What about the Ducker Pond that’s nearby? Is that included in the project?
No. The Ducker Pond is considered as Metropolitan Open Land and a Grade 1 Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). The site is in private ownership and does not form part of the One Public Estate Programme.
Why has nothing been brought to public consultation so far?
Discussions between the four organisations and the consultants who are advising on the project are still taking place to see what might be possible for Northwick Park; what options are available and how each of those options could be delivered.
We will be consulting on the options that are feasible in the coming months.
The three cabinet reports on the programme are publicly available in the ‘Further Information’ section below, and the partners have been sharing proposals with the three ward councillors.
What funding has been received to date and what is it for?
Brent has received £530,500 One Public Estate Funding, to be spent on behalf of the four organisations. This is money to fund consultants (architects, transport engineers, energy consultants etc.), to bring forward proposals.
In addition, Brent made a successful bid for £9.9m Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF). This is a government funded initiative to fund infrastructure works. This money will be used to fund improvements to Watford Road to relieve traffic congestion, and other infrastructure required to make this a successful sustainable development.
I have a question about the Northwick Park One Public Estate programme that is not listed here. Who can I ask?
We would love to hear from you. For more information please email Gordon.Cooper@brent.gov.uk or if you are a member of the press, please email pressdesk@brent.gov.uk
Further information
Brent Local Plan
Brent Council - Preferred Options Local Plan
Cabinet report, February 2018
Northwick Park One Public Estate Update PDF 93 KB
Cabinet report, May 2017
Northwick Park Memorandum of Understanding PDF 271 KB
Cabinet report, August 2018
Approval to enter into grant agreements for two Housing Infrastructure Fund bids relating to South Kilburn and Northwick Park Regeneration Programmes PDF 101 KB
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust website
Network Homes website
One Public Estate Website
One Public Estate| Local Government Association
University of Westminster website