No one can predict what is around the corner and many of us will experience minor emergencies throughout our lives such as power cuts or burst water pipes.
Unfortunately, it is possible that some of us may be caught up in major emergency situations, such as large-scale flooding, fires and extreme weather. Whereas some incidents require an evacuation others require staying inside.
There are a number of things you and your family can do to help prepare and keep yourselves safe during any emergency.
Three easy steps in planning for an emergency
- Think about the types of situation you may encounter. You might be stuck at home due to severe weather or being evacuated from your home or workplace due to a fire.
- Discuss with your family and agree what you would do in those different situations and how you would achieve this.
Think about staying in contact with your family and friends if you become separated. Consider pre-planned meeting places or pick a relative or friend who lives away from the area as a contact for you and your family to call and assure you are okay. - Write down your plan of action as a simple list.
Staying at home during an emergency
If you are at home and an emergency occurs, ensure you have the following things to hand:
- a list of important or useful phone numbers
- house and vehicle keys
- spare medication, sanitary or toiletry supplies
- radio, torch
- spare batteries
- decent first aid kit
- some money
- spare clothes and blankets
- bottled water and food preferably tinned or ready to eat as you may be without electricity (and don't forget your tin opener)
Leaving your home in an emergency
It is easy to forget vital items in the panic of an evacuation. That is why it is good practice to keep a small grab bag of essential items. You may want to prepare a smaller emergency grab bag to keep in your car, particularly if you are going on a long journey or driving in bad weather conditions.
- a list of important or useful phone numbers
- house and vehicle keys
- spare medication, sanitary or toiletry supplies
- radio, torch
- spare batteries
- decent first aid kit
- some money
- spare clothes and blankets
- bottled water and food preferably tinned or ready to eat as you may be without electricity (and don't forget your tin opener)
- any other resources specific to your need
Coping during a power cut
UK Power Networks can help vulnerable customers cope during a power cut by:
- providing a special priority telephone number that people can call if they have a power cut
- contacting the customer regularly during the power cut by phone or text message to keep them updated of the situation
- sending tailored support if needed such as home visits, hot meals, advice and keeping your friends and relatives updated
The following groups of people are eligible to register:
- customers who are dependent on medical equipment
- customers who are chronically sick
- customers with a disability
- customers who have dementia
- customers who are blind or visually impaired
- customers who are deaf or hard of hearing
- customers who are of pensionable age
- a nursing or residential home
- customers with children under five in their household
- any other case that you would like UK Power Networks to consider
More information and an application form can be found on the UK Power Networks Priority Service homepage.