If you are a leaseholder and you would like to rent your home to someone else, this is called subletting.
All sublets has to be registered with us. You can register a sublet online, using My Account.
If you don’t already have an account, it only takes a couple of minutes to set up. All you need to get started is an email address to use as a log in.
Once you have registered, you can activate your leaseholder service account where you can fill out a sublet registration form and provide the below necessary documents:
- a copy of the tenancy agreement with your tenant
- copies of any required safety certificates
- we would request you have a clear service charge and/or major works account or be on a repayment plan with our Income team
- a registration fee of £60 (including VAT)
Failure to register this with us may result in a breach of your lease and we could take legal action against you.