When to put your bin out
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
Wembley High Road
Major roadworks are currently taking place on all sides of the Wembley Triangle to allow for essential repairs. They started on 13 January and will last for about 18 weeks. During this time, only buses and emergency vehicles can use the running lane between Oakington Manor Drive and St Joseph’s Church. CCTV cameras are in use at all times to enforce this. Find more information.
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
Excess recycling can be presented in clear bags and put out with the recycling bin on collection day.
In Brent, the blue lidded bin is for household items that can be recycled. This bin is collected every other week.
If you live in a house on the North Circular (A406) you will have bags instead of bins. We deliver new bags to you every week for your recycling.
If you live in a flat above a shop, you will often have clear recycling bags instead of a recycling bin, these can be collected free of charge from your local library or you can order them online.
Use our bin collection day finder to find the day of your recycling collection.
You can recycle most plastic, glass, foil and cans in your blue lidded bin or recycling bags. Please see the list below for details of what you can and can’t place in this bin.
Use the Brent Recycleopedia to look up day to day household items and find out what bin they go in or if you need to take them to a recycling site or request a bulky waste collection.
Please note Cartons that include other materials e.g. plastic tops, foil lined (often referred to as Tetrapak) will still go in your blue lidded bin.
'Wash and squash' any recyclable plastics before you put them in your bin.
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Glass you can and can’t put in your blue recycling bin or recycling bags.
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Metal items you can and can’t put in your blue recycling bin or recycling bags.
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If you live in a block of flats you should have access to communal recycling bins. These will have labels that clearly show what you can recycle.
There are some items that can’t go in your blue bin but we can still collect them for free. You can arrange to have any of the following small items collected from your home:
Find more information and book a free small items collection
You can report a problem with your bins, such as a missed bin collection or a missing bin, online.
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
All households, who currently have their own blue-lidded recycling bin, will also have a weatherproof and durable 90-litre blue sack for paper and cardboard items.
You will need to separate your paper and cardboard out from your other recyclable items and place them in your blue sack.
You should carry on using your blue-lidded recycling bin for all other mixed recycling (glass, cans, plastics and cartons).
If your blue recycling sack becomes full, (and strong winds or rain are not predicted) you can put any excess paper and card in a bundle next to the sack on your collection day.
Please ensure cardboard boxes are broken down and flattened prior to presenting them to be collected.
If you always have excess paper and cardboard, you can order an additional blue sack online.
If you use communal shared bins (often those who live in a block of flats), you will not receive a blue sack and should continue to recycle paper and cardboard in the same way.
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Your blue recycling sack can be collected at any time up to 10pm on the day it is due to be collected. Do not report a missed bin before this time.
Please do not place paper and card in your blue-lidded bin, as collections crews will not to collect these bins on the same week as the blue sack.
If your blue recycling sack becomes full, you can put any excess paper and card in a bundle next to the sack on your collection day. Please do not leave any excess cardboard out alongside your sack when rain or strong winds are predicted.
Please ensure cardboard boxes are broken down and flattened prior to presenting them to be collected.
We hope the size should be enough for your needs, if after use, you consistently have excess paper and cardboard, you can order an additional blue sack online.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the contents of your blue lidded bin, blue sack, garden, food and organic waste?
Find more information on what happens to recycling that is collected from your home.
You can report a problem with your bins, such as a missed bin collection or a missing bin, online.
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
In Brent, the grey bin is for rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted. Depending on where you live, this bin is collected every week or every other week.
If you live in a house on the North Circular (A406) you will have bags instead of bins. Your general household rubbish should be put in black bags. General rubbish (black bags) are collected daily, five days a week.
Use our bin collection day finder to find the day of your general rubbish collection.
To help our environment you should recycle or upcycle as much waste as possible. Please see the list below for details of what you can and can't put in your grey bin.
Use the Brent Recycleopedia to look up day to day household items and find out what bin they go in or if you need to take them to a recycling site or request a bulky waste collection.
Materials that can be placed into your general rubbish bin include:
Batteries and electrical items should NEVER be placed in general waste or recycling bins as they cause fires. Find out how to bin batteries or electrical items safely.
You must not put Japanese knotweed in with your grey or garden waste bin. The government has guidance on treating and disposing of invasive plants
If you have Japanese knotweed or other invasive plants on your land you should contact a specialist contractor to remove and dispose of it properly.
If you live in a block of flats you should have access to communal general rubbish bins. The same list of items mentioned above applies to the communal general rubbish bins.
You can report a problem with your bins, such as a missed bin collection or a missing bin, online.
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
In Brent, food waste is collected every week. We provide you with a free food waste caddy (smaller bin), which you can use for your food waste.
Use our bin collection day finder to find out the day of your bin collection.
Use the Brent Recycleopedia to look up day to day household items and find out what bin they go in or if you need to take them to a recycling site or request a bulky waste collection.
Recycling your food waste is easy. You can put all food waste without any packaging in your caddy.
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You can wrap your food waste in kitchen caddy liners made of corn starch, which comply with environmental regulation EN13432, or newspaper, paper (including junk mail) or paper bags. Please don’t use plastic bags or the entire vehicle load of food waste may be rejected by the facility and sent to landfill.
If you have a lot of food waste every week, why not visit Love Food Hate Waste for tips on how to reduce your food waste and save money.
The best environmental way to deal with organics materials is home composting.
If you live in a block of flats, you should have access to communal food waste bins (a brown or dark coloured bin). The same list of items mentioned above applies to the communal food waste bin.
You can report an issue, such as a missed bin collection or a missing caddy, online.
You must make sure your bin is out by 7am on your collection day. When possible, put it out the night before.
In Brent, green bins are for garden waste. You must subscribe and pay for this service.
It costs £60 a year if you want a regular garden waste collection. The price includes the rental of one garden waste bin and a minimum of 25 collections each year. You can also sign up to the service in October for the price of £30 for collections up until the end of March.
What you can and can’t put in your green garden waste bin.
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*You must not put Japanese knotweed in with your garden waste or general waste.
If you have Japanese knotweed or other invasive plants on your land you should contact a specialist contractor to remove and dispose of it properly. The government has guidance on treating and disposing of invasive plants.