Support for the recent flooding in July 2021 If you were affected by the recent flooding in July 2021, find out what support is available to you. |
Flood warnings
When there is a risk of flooding warnings are broadcast on television and radio weather forecasts and travel bulletins. Make sure you know the frequency for your local radio station.
The Environment Agency provides flood warnings and public advice, as well as a 24-hour flood information service.
The number for Floodline is 0345 988 1188 (or Type Talk: 0345 602 6340) where you can listen to recorded flood warning information or speak to an operator for general information and advice 24 hours a day.
The person who can do the most to prepare for flooding is you.
During a flood, you may find you're without lighting, heating or a telephone line so the better prepared you are the better you'll cope if you are caught in a flood situation.
Be Aware. Be Prepared. The time to think is now don't wait until it happens.
See how putting a grab bag may will help you to respond see the preparing for an emergency page.
If your house is potentially at risk from flooding here are some key things to remember.
If you are in a flood risk area find out if you can sign up to the Environment Agency's free 24 hour Floodline Warnings Direct service by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 (or Type Talk: 0345 602 6340). You can select to receive warnings by phone, text or email.
Keep details of your insurance policy and the emergency contact numbers for your local council, emergency services and Floodline quick dial number somewhere safe - preferably as part of your emergency flood kit.
Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies.
If a flood is forecasted, take valuable items upstairs and take photos for insurance purposes.
Leave internal doors open, or ideally, remove them and store them upstairs.
Outside the house
Move anything not fixed down into a safer location, e.g. dustbins, garden chemicals car oil and similar.
Move your car to higher ground to avoid damage.
Weigh down manhole covers outside the house to prevent them floating away and leaving a hazardous hole.
See our page about who to call regarding drains and gullies for more advice.
For more information on preparing for a flood and other publications visit the Environment Agency's website
We do not supply sandbags or flood protection products directly to the public.
Builder's Merchants and DIY Stores may have sandbags available.
If you can't obtain sandbags, you can make them yourself by filling things like compost bags, old pillowcases or carrier bags filled with earth or sand.